this is one of the things i ended up making last weekend with our friends, and it has been requested that i share the recipe. i can't remember the exact source to credit, but i believe jordan found this on the internet one day a while back when we decided it would be cheaper, and much better for us to make mayo from scratch. despite all i've heard to the contrary, i've never had trouble getting the perfect consistency. ...with the exception of last weekend (of course)...i had to dump the whole thing out, and start over! actually, we've saved it, hoping to make hollandaise out of it...we'll see. i don't know if it was because i used all apple cider vinegar (from the bottom of the jar, no less) instead of part lemon juice like i usually do, or because i dumped the last 1/2 cup of oil in all at once (like the recipe says) instead of gradually... like i usually do... i guess playing hostess is distracting to me? haha! anyway, here it is:
using a food processor or blender, blend together:
*1 egg
*1 tsp dry mustard (or just a scoop of regular mustard of your choice, that's what i do)
*1 tsp salt
*dash of cayenne pepper (adjust to your spiciness preference)
*2-4 cloves garlic (again, adjust to your level of love for garlic)
once blended, add:
*1/4 cup olive oil(this CAN go in all at once)
then add SLOWLY:
*1/2 cup olive oil
once blended add:
*3 Tbsp vinegar or lemon juice (as stated above, i do a bit of apple cider vinegar AND lemon juice
then add SLOWLY (although it doesn't have to be as slow as the first bit):
*1/2 cup olive oil (your total amt of olive oil comes to 1 1/4 cups)
*make sure it's all blended well, and it should be a really nice mayonnaise :)
**a note on eggs:
notice that this recipe does call for a RAW egg (although, the vinegar and lemon juice does CURE it). i must point out that all eggs are NOT created equal. I advise using a healthy, hearty egg from a happy (preferably local) chicken that is able to express her chickenness by living a happy life outside, in the pasture, eating bugs. :) this is not the same as cage free, or even "free-range" that you can get at most grocery stores nowadays. i urge you to be aware of where the eggs you buy are coming from as most large "farms" that label their eggs as anything "free" generally have a small door at the end of a huge building, inviting the chickens to step outside, if they wish- most do not think to take advantage of that priviledge. these chickens are not near as healthy and hearty as true "pastured" chickens, and the eggs of such chickens are compromised as well (e.g. they may not be as able to keep undesirable bacteria from proliferating).
several years ago, we made a good friend quite sick by feeding him a lovely dessert with raw eggs. back then, we shopped mostly by price, so i assure you, they weren't the best money could buy... so i whole heartedly believe that all eggs are not equal. that's my soapbox for the day, do with it what you will. :)
6 years ago
Thanks for sharing! You should check out Minnie Rose Lovegreen's "Recipe for Raising Chickens."
Thanks! I found it on Amazon, looks like a really cute, simply easy book! :) Do you have it?
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